Well I have officially had my first ever Christmas dinner with me being host and cook.
Anne-Marie had a stay over in London on her from from Cape Town to Antigua so I decided to have a Christmas dinner in her honour. Dean and Lee came over for the celebrations and boy did we ever laugh. We laughed till it hurt, and ate till we burst.
On the menu we had the following:
String Bean Casserole
Cassava Pie
Sweetcorn Stuffing
Roasted Potatoes
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Roasted Parsnips
Carrot and Turnip Mash
And of course gravy by the ladle full.
The Cassava Pie went down a treat, so looks like I will be making it every year!
We continued the Bermuda tradition of watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" (cartoon) and drank a fair bit of wine. You can see what a good time we had, just
check out the pics.