Yes indeedy, we have added to our lovely collection of wildlife in our garden.
Squirrels – Check
Robins – Check
Foxes – Check
Snakes – Check
And now
Pipistrelles…which for the uninformed are bats!!! Yippee! Kind of excited about this one as I have been spending loads of time planting out aromatic plants and herbs in the garden to attract insects and other wildlife. Little did I know I would get bats!
And they are tiny.
Went to the great garden centre yesterday and bought a ‘Theta’ jasmine, and some tobacco plants as they both have night scenting flowers. Look at me being all green thumby. This is mainly for Rachie as she is the gardener at home.

There are a lot of places that now do a whole rage of wildlife homes and rests, such as bumblebee rests, ladybird homes, various bird houses and now they do
bat houses. Will purchase one, so my little friend can have a place to rest.